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Client Server

Save and load values for this client. These values are stored clients local storage and will be available on all montages he visits. This is useful for saving settings, last player position, etc.

To avoid naming conflicts with other montages, use a unique prefix for each game. For example, if your game is called "MyGame", you can use "MyGame/" as a prefix for all your keys.

Save position
Config:SetVec3("MyGame/PlayerPosition", player.transform.pos)
Load saved position
local defaultPos = Vec3(0,0,0)
local pos = Config:GetVec3("MyGame/PlayerPosition", defaultPos)
player.transform.pos = pos

If you want to save a setting only for this montage include the montage id in the setting

--extract id from url
local url = Client:GetMontageURL()
local id, params = string.match(url, "/view%?m=([%w%-%_]*)(.*)")
Config:SetFloat(id.."/MyGame/Highscore", highscore)


nil SetInt(string, integer)

nil SetFloat(string, number)

nil SetBool(string, boolean)

nil SetString(string, string)

nil SetVec2(string, Vec2)

nil SetVec3(string, Vec3)

nil SetVec4(string, Vec4)

nil Del(string)

boolean Exists(string)

nil Save()

force saving Config

integer GetInt(string)

integer GetInt(string, integer)

number GetFloat(string)

number GetFloat(string, number)

boolean GetBool(string)

boolean GetBool(string, boolean)

string GetString(string)

string GetString(string, string)

Vec2 GetVec2(string)

Vec2 GetVec2(string, Vec2)

Vec3 GetVec3(string)

Vec3 GetVec3(string, Vec3)

Vec4 GetVec4(string)

Vec4 GetVec4(string, Vec4)

table GetAllValuesStringified(Config)