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Client Server

The object visible in the hierarchy. Every object has a transform and can have additional components attached to it.


Object GetChild(string)

Get child object by name

Object GetChildById(Guid)

boolean RemoveParent()

boolean IsPrefab()

boolean IsPrefab(string)

Script AddScript(string, boolean)

MeshData AddMeshData()

VoxelData AddVoxelData(string)

StaticVoxelData AddStaticVoxelData(string)

VoxelRenderer AddVoxelRenderer()

Camera AddCamera()

Sky AddSkybox()

userdata AddComponent(string)

boolean RemoveComponent(string)

boolean RemoveComponent(userdata)

userdata GetComponentByType(string)

Find a component by type name. Returns the first component found

table GetComponentsByType(string)

Find all components by type name

userdata FindScript(string)

Find attached script component lua table by name

Camera GetCamera()

string GetNetworkFlow()

string GetScriptUpdateTime()

integer GetRefCount()


Transform transform

Get the transform to modify the position, rotation and scale of the object

boolean isDestroyed

True if the object was destroyed. Note that references to this object will still be valid

string id

This is id is unique across clients and server

string name

boolean active

Set the object to be active or inactive. Inactive objects are not updated or rendered. All its children also become inactive.

boolean activeInHierarchy

Readonly. Check if the object is active in the scene. It may be inactive because a parent is inactive.

boolean save

Save this object in the hierarchy. If not saved it will be deleted after lua reset or server restart

Object parent

table children

integer childCount

integer siblingIndex

boolean isPrefabObject

table components

integer componentsCount