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Client Server

Component that holds voxel data. The actual data itself is in the data property. The data will only render if the object also has a VoxelRender component.




nil Mirror(Vec3, Vec3)

boolean, string SetPath(string)

nil SetPathAsync(string, userdata)

Async version of SetPath. Function returns immediately and voxel data loading is performed on background. After it finishes (or fails), supplied callback is called. Callback has parameters bool success and string errStr.

If load is already running when new SetPathAsync is called, the new load is queued and performed after the current one finishes (SetPathAsync still exists immediatelly). In the future we may have more advanced strategy for handling concurrent loads.


boolean __eq(VoxelData, VoxelData)


Object object

boolean isDestroyed

string type

boolean Active

boolean ActiveInHierarchy

Object Object

boolean IsDestroyed

string Type

string path

VoxelDataResource data

The voxel data resource that this voxel data is using

boolean copyOnWrite

make local copy of voxel data resource if edited

boolean save

boolean editable