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Client Server

The data will only render if the object also has a VoxelData component with data assigned.


nil AddImpulse(Vec3, Vec3)

nil AddAngularImpulse(Vec3)

nil AddForce(Vec3)

nil AddTorque(Vec3)

nil AddAcceleration(Vec3)

nil AddAngularAcceleration(Vec3)


boolean __eq(VoxelRenderer, VoxelRenderer)

Vec3, Vec3 GetAABounds()

World position and size of AABB (axis-aligned bounding box) of the object

Vec3, Quat, Vec3 GetBounds()


Object object

boolean isDestroyed

string type

boolean Active

boolean ActiveInHierarchy

Object Object

boolean IsDestroyed

string Type

boolean syncToClients

boolean enabled

boolean prioritizeLod

Try to load higher LODs faster than those of other objects

boolean outline

Draw an outline around this object

Vec4 tintColor

Render with a tint color

boolean receiveTransform

Receive transform(pos, rot scale) to render with from server. By default this is true. If you set this to false, you will need to manually set the transform of the object on the client side. This is useful for making objects respond immediately if something happened on the client side i.e. input

boolean Simulate

boolean SimulationPaused

Vec3 Velocity

Vec3 AngularVelocity

number Mass

Vec3 Inertia

number Friction

number Restitution

number Drag

number AngularDrag