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Client Server





table Raycast()

table Raycast(Vec3, Vec3)

table CapsuleOverlap(Vec3, Vec3, number)


Filter filter

number traversalStopVxSize

this parameter will be set to smallest voxel that should be traversed (unless it is SUPERNODE - in that case traversal will go deeper)

  • it can be calculated even for a stretched transformed entity once before its node graph traversal
  • if a voxel in a node is larger than this, children of the node will be traversed
  • in top level CD routine(s) the size is in the same coords scale as prim (ie in the provided world (WC) size scale)
  • in deep CD routines the size is in DC coords scale (it was calculated such if entity has transform)

number detectionGeometryDetail

boolean globalVisibleLocalVisible

boolean globalInvisibleLocalVisible

boolean globalVisibleLocalInvisible

boolean globalInvisibleLocalInvisible

Vec3 rayPos

Vec3 rayDir